Thursday 30 July 2020

The girl and the escalator.

Hi this is my favourite sentence of my writing that I have loved doing. I have loved doing it because I could put in really descriptive words. Have you done writing that you are really proud of? If so can you put a link in your comment.
Blog you later, Matilda!

As she looked around at the old creaking trees and the cold wet night, distaste was edged on her makeup covered face.
this is the rest of my writing

Slowly the elevator started up and deposited the walking mall onto the dark, wet and muddy grass. As she looked around at the old creaking trees and the cold wet night, distaste was edged on her makeup covered face. She couldn’t believe that she had taken the advice of that old man who had hobbled over to her as she was on her way to a charity where she was pretending to be very kind and was going to donate a very large almount of money to some place that would help some animals or something like that. Snorting like loudly she couldn’t believe that she had taken his advice. Spinning around and spraying mud over some daisies she walked back onto the glimmering elevator and slowly disappeared from sight.

The picture 😀

Sunday 26 July 2020

animal graph

Hi this is my animal graph that I have really liked doing because I could record all the animals we saw on way to the place we were staying at for the holidays.. My favourite animal that we saw on the journey there was the llamas ( you can't see them on the graph because they are in other). Where did you go for your holiday's? The animal that we saw the most of on both trips was cows. Something that I found challenging was to make was graph look very interesting 
Bye, Matilda.🐼

P.s To see the animals we saw on the way back look on the next post.

animal graph 2

Hi me again this is my animal graph two. These were the animals that we saw on the way back. It was amazing on the way back we saw peacocks and buffalo (they are in other though)!!! What is your favourite animal?
Bye, Matilda.🐼

P.s There were actually 43 random birds(:.

Wednesday 1 July 2020


Hi this is my Lego that I have been working on for a while. I found it really fun to this because I love making Lego. What's your favourite kind of Lego?
Bye, Matilda.